Ukraine invasion - you can help:
Give - pray - welcome
Conversational English Language Lessons - Wednesdays 1-3pm
Downfield Mains Church (Small Hall), Haldane Street DD3 0HP
From City Centre - take the 22 Craigowl Bus nearest to Haldane Street/Cloan Road stops
For those who want to work on their conversational English with others.
So, whether you are from Ukraine, Syria, Hong Kong, Poland or any other country where English is a Second Language, you are most welcome and encouraged to join.
Coffee, teas, biscuits, and a return bus pass will be provided to those who attend.
For more information or if you are interested in volunteering, please contact Dr Nathan McConnell at 07979 939 092.
Donations of things are gathered in our area and then driven by lorry to Ukraine - please visit Tayside and Strathearn Help for Ukraine on facebook, all detail there.
It is highly recommended to financially support organisations already on the ground for many years, actively involved and knowledgeable, e.g. Reformed Church in Hungary Aid (RCHA), with direct access to the Reformed church in Ukraine who are using their buildings to support the people moving from east to west as they seek safety and sanctuary. They also are working in the border areas of Hungary, Slovakia and Romania. Daily updates and Information:
Though RCHA you can support
You can give (reference ‘RCHA donation’) via:
Church of Scotland No 1 Account; Account no. 00134859
Royal Bank of Scotland Sort code 83 06 08
Reference: RCHA donation, please gift aid this if possible.
Christian Aid / ActAlliance appeal: Donate money there, and find prayer, resources & information. Christian Aid is the international aid charity of many churches in the UK, founded in the refugee crisis 1945.
St Columba’s, Budapest Church of Scotland congregation have opened their buildings up to give sanctuary and a place of rest to refuges, without discrimination. Rev Aaron Steven and his congregation are seeking to provide a 24hour service of love and care to those that need them also. Please keep them in your prayers also.
The Reformed Church in Poland while small, is doing what it can to support those arriving in Poland. Some Parishes are hosting refugees. One is trying to create a retreat and recovery centre for traumatised people. The congregation in Łódź, where there are already 250,000 Ukrainians living, is cooperating with a Roman Catholic foundation, and seeking to Nsupport children and students living and studying there.
The World Council of Churches has asked the Russian Orthodox Church leadership to do what they can to achieve peace. “Please, raise up your voice and speak on behalf of the suffering brothers and sisters …” More here.
God, our refuge and strength in trouble
Today we pray for the people of Ukraine,
And for those of Russia too.
For those who find no sleep or awake to great fear,
For those fleeing their homes,
For all facing danger.
Help them to feel the comfort of your presence,
Change angry hearts and minds,
Drive out hatred with your love,
And war with your perfect peace,
For we ask it in the name of the One who is our Peace
Jesus our Lord.
As people of faith, we believe that prayer has power. Even at a distance, we can continue to hold those caught in the conflict in our prayers, committing their safety to God, and pray for peace. Here are some resources which might help you pray for the situation as it unfolds:
Prayers from the Council of European Churches
Prayers from the Methodist Church
United Reformed Church Prayers for Ukraine
Tearfund – How to Pray for Ukraine
If you would like to help by offering accommodation to a Ukrainian refugee, or a family, you can let the UK Government know.
It may be that you can offer a spare bedroom in your home, or you are a landlord with an empty property that could be used.
If you would like to note your interest in providing accommodation for refugees who are fleeing Ukraine you can do so using the UK Government's Homes for Ukrainians website
All direct offers of housing, including the offer of a spare room, should be logged on the interest section of this website.
You can also offer a room in your home to a refugee by registering at the Room For
Refugees charity.
The Scottish Refugee Council is pulling together information for people in Scotland affected by the crisis in Ukraine.
For more information about the range of support available for people fleeing Ukraine you can also visit:
Sidlaw Parish Church of Scotland - Scottish charity number SC001085
Carse of Gowrie Kirk (Church of Scotland) - Scottish charity number SC009839